Thursday, August 19, 2021

The Taliban Takeover of Afghanistan and the impact on terrorism in Nigeria; Boko Haram


Terrorism is a threat to humanity, not only does it lack in peace, it also deteriorate education, progress and development in all the areas where it is present. The Taliban takeover of Afghanistan is a terror to everyone. In particular, to the Afghans, western countries, other neighbouring countries, but also for African countries, where terrorism has found a safe abode. Nigeria is not left out of this disease. Boko Haram, though has been announced defeated by the current administration of President Mohammadu Buhari, their attacks still continues in northern Nigeria. What future holds for us in the wake of Taliban rule in Afghanistan is a question that is worth some measures.

Who Are The Taliban

The Taliban, also called Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA), is a Deobandi Islamist movement and military organization in Afghanistan, currently waging war (an insurgency, or jihad) within the country. In 2017, the Taliban was estimated to have 200,000 troops. It emerged in 1994 as one of the prominent factions in the Afghanistan Civil war. It consisted of students from the Pashtun area of Afghanistan who have been educated in traditional Islamic schools, and fought during the Soviet-Afghanistan war.

Aims and Objectives of The Taliban

The Taliban emphasize spiritual and cultural difference between the west and the east. Denounces the west as oppressive against Islam, and condemned International forces as "occupiers" and "invaders". They portray the Government of Afghanistan as it's puppets and the reconstruction works as effort of making Afghanistan a Christian country. They stated that, they aim to restore peace and security to Afghanistan, including western troops leaving, and to enforce their own version of Sharia, or Islamic law, once in power.


The Taliban have had their own fair share of government experience from 1996-2001. They took control of government and it was the most devastating times in Afghanistan. Little wonder crowd filled up the Kabul airport in a bid to leave the country. Only those who have experienced their rule know how difficult living was.

Among the atrocities committed were; massacre against Afghans civilians, they denied UN food supplies to starving civilians, banned media and music, prevented girls from going to schools, banned women from having jobs outside of healthcare. The Taliban were responsible for 76 percent of Afghans civilians casualties in 2010, 80percent in 2011 and 2012. Now, you understand why the large crowd at the Kabul airport in Afghanistan on Monday.

Moreover, in December the Taliban offered their territory has a training camp of terrorist, and also provided a safe haven to Osama bin Laden, where he orchestrated the 9/11 attacks in the USA in 2001, killing about 3000 people.

In international relations; only three countries, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates had diplomatic relations with Afghanistan. After the 9/11 attack, only Pakistan maintain such relation. Almost all of the country assets in other countries was frozen.

On economic level; Afghanistan became the world highest supplier of opium, having a production and supply rates of over 70 percent. The country was an opium house. This was the major source of income since the economic was totally down.

Nevertheless, the US, in retaliation of the 9/11 attack invaded Afghanistan and routed the Taliban regime in October 2001. The Taliban leadership fled to Pakistan.

The Present Situation of Taliban Takeover of Afghanistan Government in 2021

In 2020, the Taliban signed a peace agreement with the US and entered into negotiation with the Afghan government. However, little progress has been made in the talk. Meanwhile, after a two decade long presence in Afghanistan, the US withdrew it's troops in the country as part of the deal. The Taliban launched an offensive that tripled the number of Afghan district under its control.

This is not all, as compare to before, the Taliban is more strengthen and sophisticated terrorist group. It is a threat to democratic institutions, citizen's rights and regional security. The group has withstood counterinsurgency operations from the world's most powerful security alliance, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the three US administration in a war that has killed more than 6000 US troops and contractors and over 1,100 NATO troops.

The Taliban, which has between 58,000 and 100,000 full-time fighters, is stronger now than at any point in the last 20 years. After they captured Kabul, the country's capital, it was reported that $83 billion dollars worth of American military training and hardware, including jets, guns, tanks, light weapons, SAM missiles, RPG's has fallen into the hands of the Taliban. The Taliban is now the world most sophisticated terrorist group ever!


The Islamic state (IS) group militants, another terrorist organization, looking to find a new base after the defeat of their self-declared caliphate in Iraq and Syria is now a reality. History has shown that, the Taliban offering their territory as a safe haven for other terrorist organization.

Secondly, the return of Al-Qaeda is also inevitable. During their last takeover of government, the Taliban provided a safe base for Osama bin Laden Al-Qaeda, which planned the 9/11 attacks on the US in 2001, killing nearly 3000 people. An estimated 20,000 recruits from all over the world passed through Al-Qaeda's training camps, learning lethal skills and creating a terror learning centre, before they are dispersed back to their own countries.

Although the Taliban's focus is on ruling Afghanistan according to their strict interpretation of sharia law. But, other jihadist, such as, Al-Qaeda and ISIL may have different ambitions beyond those borders.


Boko Haram is based in northeastern Nigeria, also active in Chad, Niger and northern Cameroon. Founded in 2002 by Mohammed Yusuf. The group was led by Abubakar Shekau from 2009 until his death in 2021, although it splitter into other groups after his death and also in 2015. Their main goal being to "purify" Islam in northern Nigeria. It formerly aligned itself with the Islamic state of Iraq and the Levant. Since its resurgence started in 2009, it has killed tens of thousands of people and displaced 2.3million from their homes. In mid 2010 was the world's deadliest terror group according to the Global Terrorism Index.

In July 2014, Abubakar Shekau, the leader of Boko Haram released a 16 minutes video where he voiced support for ISIL's head Abu Bake al-Baghdadi, Al-Qaeda's head Ayman al-Zawahiri and Afghan Taliban head Mullah Omar. in March 2015, Shekau pledged allegiance to ISIL head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Though, Boko Haram splits have caused many factions to form out of the group they still have a connection with other terrorist organization, such as Taliban.

he Nigerian Government, has earlier announced the defeats of Boko Haram, but news about their attacks still looms the media. Their active presence in other neighbouring countries is something to look out for. The Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, will most likely serve has a morale boost to Boko Haram. Moreover, the Taliban may cause an international jihad. Afghanistan may be used as a training camp for new recruits. They may enter into a deal of supplying weapons and ammunition to other terrorist organization like Boko Haram.

The future still holds so much for us. But every minute we use planning, defending and strengthening our Nigerian Army for possible terrorist attack will be a wise move by the Government.

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